
Free Yourself from Addiction Forever


By Adi Jaffe, PhD

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Hardcover $30.00 $39.00 CAD

A groundbreaking view of addiction that offers a step-by-step guide for identifying the "hooks" that trigger compulsive bad habits, along with a program for replacing those habits with constructive ones, by nationally recognized mental health and addiction expert and former addict Adi Jaffe, PhD.

Addiction recovery is a million-dollar business, yet millions still struggle. Dr. Adi Jaffe knows this intimately: his own battle with addiction nearly landed him a decades-long prison sentence. Dr. Jaffe also knows this professionally: his revelatory addiction treatment protocol has helped thousands to free themselves not only from the habits that cause negative consequences but identifying their sources—their “hooks”—in the first place. Trauma, relationship problems, biological dysregulation, early exposure to drug use, work stress, gender dysphoria, insomnia, anxiety, depression, financial struggles, or lack of purpose—these are all common “hooks” that result in addiction to negative behaviors. The alcohol use, drugs, porn, overeating, or social media compulsions are not the actual problems at all. They are simply the compulsive behaviors formed in response to the real problems. These bad habits are what many of us, trying to cope in this modern world, have turned to in our natural inclination to find what we truly crave: connection, joy, and meaning in our lives.

Using Dr. Jaffe's Explore / Accept / Transform model, readers will discover their own personal triggers, stepping through their own patterned perceptions and responses, for a new way to cope with the factors that drive their addictions. Dr. Jaffe’s step-by-step program helps readers address what's driving their addiction by:
  • Identifying the “hooks” or triggers that drive their behavior
  • Building awareness of when these hooks are embedded
  • Unpacking their go-to, habitual responses 
  • Creating new, healthier patterns and ways of reacting
Destigmatizing addiction, Unhooked shares commonalities that we all have, myth-busting the most popular addiction narratives to recognize that most people are affected by addiction in one way or another. This model reduces shame and also broadens the scope to include so-called “soft” addictions. With practical steps and an empathetic voice, Unhooked uses habit change knowledge and tools while simultaneously digging deep into core issues.


On Sale
Jan 7, 2025
Page Count
304 pages
Hachette Go

Adi Jaffe, PhD

About the Author

Adi Jaffe, PhD, is an author and a nationally recognized expert on mental health, addiction, relationships and shame Formerly a lecturer in the UCLA Psychology department for and was the Executive‑Director and Co‑Founder of one of the most progressive mental health treatment facilities in the country, he is the founder of IGNTD Recovery. Dr. Jaffe attended UCLA, graduating with a BA in psychology and a PhD in psychology. Dr. Jaffe now writes a blog on Psychology Today, and several other online and print sources. He has been featured in CNN, The Huffington Post, Bustle, Los Angeles Times, KTLA. Dr. Jaffe lives with his family in Southern California.

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